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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: February 28th, 2022

Privacy is important to us, so we build it into all of our custom tools and services. We believe that privacy is a fundamental human right, so we are dedicated to providing you with a complete privacy policy, along with only using only data we need to run our podcast.

Information We Collect

We collect any and all information you provide to us in any way possible, like you name, voice and email address. Along with that, we also collect you Internet Protocol (IP) address, your IP address is used to identify your computer on the internet.

How We Collect Said Information

We collect the above information and data when you use our website, or give us a voice message on our site.

Why We Collect Information

We collect such personal and non-personal data so that we may:

  1. Provide and operate our podcast

  2. To use voice messages in our podcast

  3. To get analytics that allow us to better create content for our audience.

How We Use, Share and Disclose Information

Our website is hosted on the platform. They provide us with the online platform that allows us to have this website. Any data made by interacting with THIS website is stored on's servers.

Our podcast is hosted by by Spotify. They provide us with the tools used to record, edit, and distribute our podcast. Our podcast is also availible on a variety of different websites, like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more. They allow us to make our podcast available to you. The site you get our podcast supplies with analytical data. Please check with the privacy policy of the website you get our podcast from for more information about what data is shared with us from them.

We may share you data with partners to help better our services, we will go through an extensive check on all of our partners to ensure that your data is safe and secure, and will not be used against you. We may also need to share your information to comply with government orders. We will notify you in the best way possible if we do need to share your information, unless we cannot by order of law.

Consent Withdrawal

If you, for whatever reason, want to have a copy of data we have about you, or delete that data, reach out to us at to file a request.


We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time, if and when we do, changes take effect immediately, so we recommend checking this regularly.


If you have any questions about this policy, email us at

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